Never There | Teen Ink

Never There

September 16, 2013
By ImXSV BRONZE, Maysville, Kentucky
ImXSV BRONZE, Maysville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

Accomplishing a dream is something many people do,
but in my case its something I have to work for.
I try to accomplish my dream, but I feel like I’m stuck
in some kind of obstacle. I feel closer, but never there.

I’m passionate in my dream so I chase it. I try everything
imaginable to accomplish it. However I feel like I’m chasing
a rainbow. I get closer and closer with every move and decision,
but there seems to be no end. I’m closer, but never there.

I search for hints or clues everywhere. I find them but they
are confusing. When I find them they feel as if they are in another
language. I cant understand. I find more and more clues that lead
to more clues. Like tiny boxes one inside another, I feel closer with
each clue, yet never there.

I know that one day in the future it will all be figured out, but for
now I feel like I’m getting closer to this dream, but its out of reach.
I’m close, but never there.

The author's comments:
I have a dream that I'm trying to accomplish but I feel like I'm not making progress to it.

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