The Killer Instinct of the Styx River | Teen Ink

The Killer Instinct of the Styx River

September 30, 2013
By Sunshine100 GOLD, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Sunshine100 GOLD, South Plainfield, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The snap of the turtles, the zing of electric ells, and the crunch of the alligators that inhabit me aren't the things you should worry fear.
It is I, the Styx River that you should dread.
When my waves of rage crash upon you there is no escape.
My sharp below freezing temperatures will prick through your skin like piercing icicles of fury.
Your body will start to shudder with chills as you attempt to drink in has much air has possible and yet, you find yourself breathing your last of nature’s kind air.
Your sense will begin to drain away as the pain begins to fold over you.
My wild dance will thrash you around and you’ll began to sink, gasping for you last sign of oxygen but only catching my bitter taste in the back of your throat.
You’ll try coughing me up but I’ll only find myself descending back up your nose and back down your throat.
As you decline deeper into me you can’t help but wonder how something so flawless and serene packs so much evil and hate.
As you continue to plunge further away from the light and deeper into my darkness your thoughts began to wither away and you begin to except your fate.
Your only option will be to not struggle and let me take you for the sake of man it will make it a lot easier for you.
I’ll put you in the pit of my stomach where you will stay forever.
Your body will go still and with your burning eyes you will watch as the creatures of marine life float past you with no care in the world.
You will realize you've become one of them, untouched and unrecognized my mankind.
The slowness of the cool liquid rush will take over your body and scorches through your lungs like hot coals but your thoughts will no longer be on your fading capsule but
on all the memories of the ones you've hurt and loved.
Those memories will stay with you just as your eyes closes to never open again.

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