Mental Pain | Teen Ink

Mental Pain

October 2, 2013
By KDMiller BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
KDMiller BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Family stands alone and waits-
a field of stone now holds my fate.
Mom collapses to the ground-
her tears fall fast without a sound.
Dad wraps her in his arms too tight-
with a quiet gasp the tears ignite.
I scream for her to take my hand-
she does not hear what I demand.
Next day at school the students learn-
my presence there will not return.
Flowers fill my house for days-
‘til the wilting takes the petals away.
So much laughter once filled my home-
now nothing but silence where I used to roam.
I cannot believe I caused this pain-
I kick and scream but still remain,
alone and helpless; I hold my breath,
I yearn to go back to undo my cruel death
Slowly driving myself insane-
this mental pain I can’t contain.
I left a world that was broken and wrong-
to live in a place I should not belong.
Days, weeks, and months go by-
the world keeps turning despite my cry.
Cold skin, pale face-
Never moving from this place.
The choice is perpetual to take your life,
no matter the reason, no matter the strife,
you may have thoughts that you have no worth,
but nothings compares to your life on earth.

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