New York, New York | Teen Ink

New York, New York

October 7, 2013
By Abby Melnick BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
Abby Melnick BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Concrete jungle full of dreams,
glistening lights and skyscrapers.
crowds of people running late,
A place of excitement, New York, New York.

Yellow taxis and subways,
to ferry rides to lady liberty.
hailing cabs and carriage rides,
A place of wonder, New York, New York.

Walking in Time square,
and souvenirs galore.
huge buildings reflecting the sun,
A place of opportunity, New York, New York.

Big Broadway shows,
singers, actors, and dancers.
performing all day, everyday,
A place of big dreams, New York, New York.

Pizza and street vendors at every corner,
and big bargains in China Town.
carts of the best hot dogs around,
A place of new things, New York, New York.

From crazy subway maps,
and walks in central park.

“excuse me!” and “watch out!”
A place of people, New York, New York.

J-walking and fast drivers,
and small soho boutiques.
Food trucks on every street,
A place of fun, New York, New York.

My favorite place in the world, New York, New York.

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