The Wild | Teen Ink

The Wild

October 15, 2013
By MarginallyPoetic SILVER, Eastsound, Washington
MarginallyPoetic SILVER, Eastsound, Washington
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The black volkswagon takes a pause
To stop and scratch its grizzly fur
A lighted fuse, a tight clenched jaw
Abandoned home that was unsure

They stomp their hooves and show their fangs
A rush of fire, surge of heat
The bell of hatred loudly rang
The sound of fear has filled the streets

The mother, daughter, father, son
Identities we soon forget
Just pawns in games that can't be won
A lighter darkness vainly sought

For money, power, fame, and fear
Just switch the place and change the name
And though there's lack of violence here
The hateful motives stay the same

This is the wild in which we live
It seems too much to ask for peace
The feeble lengths we take to give
Or show the slightest sympathies

We look again at what remains
The broken wailing of a child
When humankind is inhumane
We've just become part of the wild.

The author's comments:
This poem is written in iambic tetrameter and it is about car bombs in Lebanon.

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