Unraveling The Cobwebs | Teen Ink

Unraveling The Cobwebs

October 9, 2008
By Anonymous

Unraveling the Cobwebs

I need you
more then you'll ever know
I love you
more then I'll ever show

This thing we've got here
is working out well
but we don't seem to be getting much farther
as far as I can tell

I wish you didn't like me
then I wouldn't feel bad for what I have to say
that this isn't working out
taking it day by day

I'm not looking for a friend with benefits
I crave commitment
a relationship that is stronger
then a pebbled dried in cement

I want you to need me
not just to want me
I want you to be able to tell me
your happy with what you see

If you can lean on me
can I lean on you?
If I said I love you
could you say it too?

This whole thing is unraveling
to reveal a splendid mess
a tower piled high with cobwebs
cobwebs made of stress


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