Safety Zone | Teen Ink

Safety Zone

October 21, 2013
By Alyphant BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
Alyphant BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One hour,
that's all it took for everything to change.
One hour,
and that's all it took to make me feel empty.
One hour ago,
I still had my mother.
The ruby red and ocean blue flashing lights
only reinforce the idea that this must be a nightmare.
I try and fight it,
but the insanity is creeping in on me.
I cannot bear it anymore,
I flee.
I flee to the only place I feel safe.
Finally, I reach my destination
and I am alone.
I squish the soft sand between my toes,
as warm water tickles my feet.
The wind seems to whisper my name,
as my face starts to relax.
Normally I would never let my face betray me,
but here, my unspoken rule is void.
When I am here, I do not have to hide.
And I have never been more thankful for my safety zone,
than I am tonight.

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