The Rain Dance | Teen Ink

The Rain Dance

October 29, 2013
By L.C.Byrde SILVER, Edgewood, Iowa
L.C.Byrde SILVER, Edgewood, Iowa
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A deep dark grey borders evergreen
Deathly quiet, birds sit keen
Everything seems aware but I
No notice of the calm standby

No coo, No clicks, no rustles, no wind
Suddenly breaks, a swift drip begins
Looking up to heavy clouds so dark
Forming puddles dance with ripple marks

We all sit silent, hesitant
But emerging life is evident

The stiff trees stretch then begin to sway
As the prancing drops start to play

The flowers shake with exhilaration
Merry mingling and flirtation
The nearby creek runs fast with excitement
“Join us brothers!” sung with enticement

The tempo climbs as the drums they thunder
Wind waltzes with leaves as they fall down under
The trees now shiver and the flowers jig
River bellows loudly as his width gets big

Oh the drama, as the lightning flashes
Then the army of clouds come to clashes
The sky fights and the trees quake
River roam tireless as the flowers shake

Then suddenly, suddenly rhythm made adjust
The noise quieted and symphony hushed
The dancers they slow fallen in final poses
The trees stand tall, the due on roses

The clouds forgive as the dark brightens
Audience sits silent- amazed and enlightened
The animals commence, birds ruffle and fan
The whole world resumes as before it began

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