Maple Leaf | Teen Ink

Maple Leaf

October 16, 2008
By kmathew PLATINUM, New City, New York
kmathew PLATINUM, New City, New York
48 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Its beauty is indescribable
The quick change it goes through within weeks

from green on a bright summer day
to yellow- orange at the birth of fall
and then a marvelous red
on Halloween night
to a dusty brown
on Thanksgiving day
and finally to nothingness
The night before Christmas

Like a child growing
being at its best when young and green
Providing for the world around it
later, in the beginnings of adulthood,
more unique
But still follows the crowd
in yellow-ness

Middle ages is when it is at its most beauty
the red or red-orangey color
Its wisdom
what it has to offer to the world
it shows off
but then again starts to slowly fade away
like a couple in their 50s
starting to follow the crowd

Now comes old age
when it has little to accomplish
but count down to the day it will fall
like a senior citizen
it watches
And looks out for his fall
Until finally,
It drops.
like a paper from a building
Slow and subtle
And often unnoticeable
Until eventually
They are all gone.


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