Beauty of Success | Teen Ink

Beauty of Success

November 20, 2013
By Beatrixz SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
Beatrixz SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Sing from your heart, Write what's in it."

I am the definition of real beauty
Inside and out
I Glow
I am the new view on life
So much love in my heart to show
I am a young women
With so much more to learn
I've endured much pain
But the flame inside me still burns
I become stronger everyday every footstep every breath
The environment around me causes me stress
But IM blessed
Cause IM still here
I Have nothing to fear
But the past behind me
Still haunts me
Will I ever be free
Will I ever see clearly
I will
I will
And I will gain much from the thrill
Of Success

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