The Pursuit Of Happiness | Teen Ink

The Pursuit Of Happiness

November 25, 2013
By Trble SILVER, Oak Creek, Wisconsin
Trble SILVER, Oak Creek, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“There is only one god and his name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to Death: “Not today.”
― George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

We are humans, this we can never deny. To say we are anything else is an unbelievable lie. It is everyone's goal to be happy, because happiness is something no one forgets, it sticks. But happiness can be crippled by these metaphorical stones and sticks. Then all we are left with are long dead groans. Our happiness is bipolar there are ups and downs. The nights will get colder as boulders drag us down. These are the pains that happiness gives us, thus with every second allowed, it will consume us. happiness is smothered, Our mental sunlight is covered, But with death brings rebirth and happiness is forced to grow again, And our world will never fall, because no matter what people say my happiness will grow tall. Yes I'm different, but aren't we all? We damage each other with the evil names we call. This is not the right way to live, but it thrives and It gives us the push that we needed to give. Then we are told that alone we'll grow old. We know deep inside that we will find, that person in which with we will reside. Yet we still go and we run, but love should be fun, yet it still is a stun when the divorce papers come. The biggest weakness in everyones life is this one big emotion. What makes love? It's what you feel when your life is in motion. This is one big true notion, happiness is great, but it will take some devotion.

The author's comments:
I wrote this to show how to be happy no matter what people say.

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