Caught my eye | Teen Ink

Caught my eye

December 2, 2013
By Gabriela Uribe BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Gabriela Uribe BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once I saw you, you caught my eye
I wondered if you saw me there
We locked eyes and time flew by
We were the perfect pair

I wondered if you saw me there
With the beauty of the flowers
I loved them they were so rare
Just like you and your superpowers

With the beauty of the flowers
That filled the room with a good aroma
As the time was ours
There flew a white paloma

That filled the room with a good aroma
We locked eyes and time flew by
There flew a white paloma
Once I saw you, you caught my eye.

The author's comments:
i just wrote this out of my head and what i thought at the moment.

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