Ceative writing | Teen Ink

Ceative writing

December 5, 2013
By breezy1127 SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
breezy1127 SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I write to express my feelings to the world. I write to feel a sense of relief, after I poured my heart onto the paper. I write so other people can relate to my situations and let them know they’re not alone. Without writing we would not be able to comprehend what we do now. It would be harder to communicate and get people to actually understand.

A writer is someone who speaks for people who are afraid to speak for themselves. They are many things that can make someone a writer. Someone who can persuade you, inform you, and entertain you is a writer. Someone who can make your heart race as you run through the pages and trying to figure out what could possibly happen next.

I find it very relieving when I am upset, sad, or even angry and I write about the situation. After I am done writing it feels like a burden over my heart has suddenly disappeared. I feel so better after writing my feelings. It’s better for me to write it down because if I say it in person I will forget everything I actually meant to say. If I forget what I have to say I won’t have that sense of relief like I do through writing.

There is always different perspectives of writing the author actually meant while writing. So make sure you try to make the story as clear as possible. What you were trying to get across could be something totally different than what the person thought it was.

I remember as a kid I would love to write. I loved to express my creativity and come up with unpredictable stories. I would love the crazy, clueless, and surprised faces my mother would make. She loved how creative I could be by coming up with new things.

Now as I got older I only write in my classes or if I am really upset about something. I think I should write everything to practice my writing skills everyday to gain more experience. Writing is apart of everyone’s everyday life without writing we wouldn’t be able to do the things that we can do today. So whether you have anything to write or say just write about anything because once you start writing it will start to be a everything thing.

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What a writer is all about

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