Running | Teen Ink


December 5, 2013
By Bradley Nelson BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Bradley Nelson BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Running, Running forth and back;
Running with Red and a little Black.
Rabbits, yes, the Rabbits they chase;
They run around the Tree, at it's base.

One by One, They're stuffed in a sack;
Dead and Dead, They're hung on a Rack.
The Chasing are now the Chased;
Running, Running.

Red and Black, They Run down the Track,
Seeking Revenge for the Ones they want Back.
Too Bad, They Became a Disgrace.
For now, none can be Replaced.
Now and Forever then, they are Nothing more than a Nick-Knack.
Running, Running

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