Waiting and Waiting | Teen Ink

Waiting and Waiting

December 8, 2013
By Alex Hale BRONZE, Cumberland, Rhode Island
Alex Hale BRONZE, Cumberland, Rhode Island
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Waiting and waiting, will I get picked?
Waiting and waiting, I hope I’m called quick.
Names and names in a continuous sound
I do not know whether I’ll make the next round.

The work and the effort, the work and the sweat
I thought I would make the team, a sure bet.
Now, I sit like a flower lacking sun
My hopes dying with each name, one by one.

The list is now done, the team has been made
And I am one of the few cast astray.
Of all of the names, not one was mine
I have, all of a sudden, run out of time

Waiting and waiting, now that would be fine.

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