The Feeling. | Teen Ink

The Feeling.

December 10, 2013
By Beatrice Reilly BRONZE, Franklin, Massachusetts
Beatrice Reilly BRONZE, Franklin, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was like a sinking rock
Its weight carrying it downward in a fluid motion
Her heart was that sinking rock
Silently drowning with little emotion
The way she carried herself seemed to be locked,
Away from all the others in the midst of the dark ocean
The darkness of the water seemed to have built a vast barricade to block,
The people who were trying to break her demotion

Not wanting to hit the bottom
But slowly losing her devotion
The words were used in a way of mock
Its breath being taken away
As the fall seemed to last forever in shock
She felt her rock shattering in slow motion
Trying to piece her heart back together
From the words that were used so cunningly towards her emotions

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece about bullying. In school I have constantly learned about it but still see it occur today. I hope people will get from it how it feels to be the target and will think before teasing someone.

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