My Christmas Traditions | Teen Ink

My Christmas Traditions

December 16, 2013
By KkatKreationz PLATINUM, Minerva, Ohio
KkatKreationz PLATINUM, Minerva, Ohio
31 articles 0 photos 66 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.&quot; :) <br /> -Me.

Wreaths with lights
In the night
Of the small town

Long light poles
Veiled with
twinkling starlit lights
A soft snow
Drifting down
Covering the world
In a blanket of dusty white…

Is not coming
For adrenalin is pumping
The veins
Eager for the morrow to begin
And a Christmas tale to be written

I love waking up
On Christmas day
Running down the stairs
To see that Santa’s been here
Christmas gifts under the tree
Lights a glowin’

The cookies are gone
The milk glass empty
The house still smellin’
Warm and thick
Like those choco chip yummies
that momma bakes
Sometimes you can see it
[the milk mustache] on
Daddy’s top lip
So you now know
The day’s just begun

Gramma comes
At six in the morning
A tradition among tradtitions
Kisses and hugs
All around

Talkin’ starts
The relaxation from the holidays
Stockings are opened
Smiles shared
The joy among us
Lovin’ and fair

The house starts to fill up
Like a glass of orange juice on a hot sunny summer day
Bodies crammed into our tiny house
The man with the red hat passes around everyone’s gifts
Santa being the last one to open his

when presents are opened
we start to play
airplanes in the air
screeches of kids
of why they have to share
on Christmas Day.

I got a present
[For it was hard make money]
That made me happy
So happy,
I cried
So many tears
For I love my family
So very dearly
And I love
Christmas time
And all the cheer


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