This World Has Issues | Teen Ink

This World Has Issues

January 4, 2014
By kikixkupkake GOLD, San Marcos, California
kikixkupkake GOLD, San Marcos, California
17 articles 0 photos 92 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The things that walk out when we open our minds." -Dylan McCoy

This world has issues.
Society hates on all the people and forces us to let ourselves melt into tissues,
Until tissues aren't enough and we have to spill ourselves a different way,
Stacking memories on shelves so that they'll stay
Hidden and too far out of reach because
This world will burn them if we leave them too close to the ground.
This world searches for every fragment of kindness that could spread around
And devours it so that we have nothing left to share,
Amplifying our mistakes to the point where no one cares.
This world has issues.
Making great people seem horrible in the magazines,
Bashing down on artists and how they're living their dreams,
Because this world,
It doesn't like dreams.
This world
Lacks morals like I lack a bullet in my head.
This world would rather allow discrimination on everything unique instead
Of cherishing what little love we have today
In the society that exists,
I don't get why someone's always gotta pay.
This world has gotten so bad that every forty seconds someone commits suicide,
Says goodbye and goodnight to a difficult life,
And if someone would've just reached out there could have been a different outcome,
It only takes forty seconds to tell someone you love them,
It takes forty seconds to remind someone that you're their friend,
It takes forty seconds to make sure someone's life doesn't end.
But it also only takes forty seconds to break one.
This world has so many issues.
Long-distance relationships end with lacks of "I miss you"s
With our children un-rocked and our doors all locked,
This world refuses to let us outside where the trees are on fire.
This world burns through hopes like it does dreams.
We're lucky there's a lot of them or else we would be screwed.
We're lucky that trees and hopes both grow so fast.
We're lucky that there's still people who keep trying to save them,
We're lucky that these people exist.
When the world burns down all our trees,
They plant a seed and say, "you missed a spot"
These people don't always have to hide their faces
But in certain places
This world will occasionally knock them down.
That's when we need to help them out,
Go searching for these people in the lost-and-found
Until we find one, set him back on his feet and say, "hey.
This world may have issues, but we can save them."
And yes, sometimes life is not gonna be fun
But darling we've just barely begun
To see
The issues that humanity
Litters on the road not taken by.
We leave room for mistake
In our fill-in-the-blanks
Because we are only human,
But that doesn't mean we should expect any less of ourselves,
Because even though we are human, we obtain the ability to change.
When you look out the window, do you really want things to stay the same?
Murder on the corner of hatred and despair,
Car wrecks on the avenue of unfair,
I want this world to go to therapy,
And maybe then I'll be able to see
Which cracks I need to fill in with hope,
Because nothing sticks people together like hope does.
This world has issues,
And I'm not always quite sure if rhyming makes a difference,
Yet rhyming is the only way I know to try to fix them.
Someday this world might finally run out of trees
And I'll run out of places to put my poetry
But with every word I read
I'm spreading hope like it's some sort of dream,
Implanting it in the heads of those who sleep
While outside the world just seems to repeat.

The author's comments:
This is a spoken word poem, so some of my lines may seem a bit jagged, but if you take the time to read this aloud it might sound a bit smoother. Thank you for reading either way, or viewing or existing in general!

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This article has 2 comments.

on Mar. 8 2015 at 10:54 am
Allen. PLATINUM, Palo Alto, California
32 articles 9 photos 525 comments

Favorite Quote:
[i]No matter how much people try to put you down or make you think other things about yourself, the only person you can trust about who you really are is you[/i] -Crusher-P

Reading this in my head, it sounds very nice. I think, however, you're slightly disconnected in your telling of society. An anecdote would have definitely strengthened this piece.

on Mar. 3 2015 at 8:15 pm
Ariel_Fluffyy SILVER, Los Angeles, California
7 articles 0 photos 54 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You May Encounter Many Defeats But You Must Not Be Defeated" By- Dr. Maya Angelou

you have skills. im not going to lie you have a gift. another amazing piece in my book.