The Polar Bear | Teen Ink

The Polar Bear

October 31, 2008
By Anonymous

It makes China look small
Its fur whiter than snow on a cold winter day
Softer than the finest silk
Hunting for fish by the bay.

The last of his kind, he struggles for survival
Braving the blistering wind and contaminated water
Underneath the ice crackles and creaks,
Slowly getting louder and louder

Like a gunshot in a forest, the ice breaks into two
The poor creature allowed only a helpless cry before falling through
As he struggles to return to the sweet heaven known as land
He jumps up with a roar, to the ice his feet are glued.

As he continues his journey for survival
He wonders why innocent creatures are perishing
He knows not the answer to the question
But we, sadly, know the answer: humans

Because of our laziness and irresponsibility
Animals are paying the price
If only we pulled the plug
And quit rolling the dice.

He gets a sudden chill
As if he was shot
His legs are starting to weaken
Compared to the world, he’s just a dot.

He now knows his fate
Must it come to this?
All of a sudden the animal drops
Into a land of eternal bliss.

The world had lost a marvelous creature
A bitter feeling of guilt fills the air
All because of our irresponsibility
God killed the polar bear.

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This article has 1 comment.

Lovelockdown said...
on Nov. 23 2008 at 3:31 am
This is cool. It tells a story. I like that. But why submit anonymously? It;s very good, and not personal. But I really like it. The last line is funny, because it is like a person BLAMING SOMETHING on GOD. I find that hilarious. haha.

Can you comment on my poem? I would really love to hear your review. It's called Alone Again. Thanks.