Finally | Teen Ink


January 9, 2014
By breezy1127 SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
breezy1127 SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Finally I feel like
I have found the one
The argues and the fights
I still want you in my life
You give me a new feel
So I know this is real

When I’m upset or mad
You can still make me smile
That’s how I know were going to be together for a while
I know this relationship is true
No one is better for me than you
We stick by each other
No matter what we go through

When you really love someone
You accept their flaws
When you’re in love with someone
You don’t see them at all

Loving someone is really a lot
You have to be willing to give all you got
I’m not just talking about buying things
You have to be willing to give time

Some people are not that fortunate to find love
So you thank the man up above
You are very blessed to have found the one
Because that does not happen to everyone

The author's comments:
Fianlly finding the love of your life

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