New York | Teen Ink

New York

January 9, 2014
By breezy1127 SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
breezy1127 SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

NYC is the place to be
Shopping and shopping is everything
The food melts in my mouth
Mmm the red velvet cupcakes they sell downtown

The fast life
Everyone is on the run
Theres so many things to do to have fun
The clothes, this is the fashion city
But when you go make sure you have more than 50

The cost of living is high
So make sure you have a great life
Some of the people can be rude
A lot of them have attitudes

Celebrities shop all the time there
Hopefully I will catch Beyonce shopping somewhere
The underground subways can be scary

But id rather that than ride in a car
Because you do not get very far
New York is definitely the place to be
I could live here for an eternity

The author's comments:
The love I have for the place of New York

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