All that counts | Teen Ink

All that counts

January 30, 2014
By GeryG. GOLD, Dragovistitsa, Other
GeryG. GOLD, Dragovistitsa, Other
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Never stop laughing

Roses are red
Violets are blue
You don't say, Sherlock
I didn't know it was true.
You don't care
What they have to share
So I will just spare
And continue to bare
The heartache I feel
And I know I can't heal
Because when you pass me by
An arrow goes flying high
And in the chest every time
It hits me in a straight line.
Through the heart it always goes,
And I walk with all my foes
Sometimes I wish you'd go away
But I know that I'd just follow
Until I find my old sorrow
And when I see it thus
I will be left leafless because
I'll have given all that counts
In meeting your accounts
My heart in the name of truth.
My love in the face of youth.

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