Edgar Allen Poem | Teen Ink

Edgar Allen Poem

February 12, 2014
By devwearsprada BRONZE, Ringoes, New Jersey
devwearsprada BRONZE, Ringoes, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I wander alone, down the lowly lit street,
My ears detect the echo, of a second set of feet.
The thuds quicken, sinister darkness creeps in,
I feel breath down my neck, the wind whispers of sin.

Shivers consume my spine, as I turn around,
there’s not a soul there, no one to be found.
I rotate once more, hastening my pace,
my pulse rings in my ear, frail heart initiating its race.

I glimpse something for a moment, out the corner of my eye,
No one’s there, I assure myself, a blatant lie.
The air suddenly freezes, as night’s colors fade to gray.
Please not here, not now, I pray.

My blood turns to ice, as I freeze from within,
the wind returns yet again, bringing whispers of sin.
I’m paralyzed, as from the black he advances,
stuck here and now, I’ve used all my chances.

“Now”, he breathes, gazing at me,
with charcoal holes, where his eyes ought to be.
And without even a thought, not a moment of delay,
the Shadow takes hold of my wrist, and drags me away.
Into blackness we stroll, the dark conceals his sickly grin,
as he pulls me in closer, whispering of sin.

The author's comments:
A poem that I wrote mimicking the style of Edgar Allen Poe.

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