The Bee | Teen Ink

The Bee

February 18, 2014
By MissRenae PLATINUM, Montgomery, Alabama
MissRenae PLATINUM, Montgomery, Alabama
28 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Buzz buzz buzz
Buzz Buzz is all she does
Lurking and looking for what is next to come
With her wings soaring down to the nub
Her paper filled with so much gossip ready to turn in
She decides whether to report back to Queen Bee
But did she ever think about her “old” friends
Sticking her stinger into all their business
Now she worries that they will forget about her soon
And she won’t be anything but old news
And for the Beeswax Times to say that this was not a happy day
For the busy bee couldn’t keep her stinger out of other people’s business
Buzz Buzz is all she does
Buzz buzz buzz

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