Today I Will Not Get Out of Bed | Teen Ink

Today I Will Not Get Out of Bed

February 18, 2014
By MissRenae PLATINUM, Montgomery, Alabama
MissRenae PLATINUM, Montgomery, Alabama
28 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Today I will not get out of bed
And I have so many reasons
I did not feel like it.
The bed was really cozy.
I had nothing else to do.
I do not have to go to work.
They do not need me at school today.
Bad things could happen if I get out of bed.
I just want to stay in my pajamas today.
I am taking the day off from my problems.
My pillow is so soft.
They do not need me at work today.
They do not need me at school today.
I am sick today.
I am sick of school and work.
It is raining outside.
I am having breakfast in bed.
I am having lunch in bed.
I am having dinner in bed.
And Fifth,
I am reading a book.
I am sleeping.
I am taking a nap.
I am having a good dream.
Today I will not get out of bed
And I have so many reasons

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