Goodbye Childhood | Teen Ink

Goodbye Childhood

March 4, 2014
By Djspoopyjimm SILVER, Ventura, California
Djspoopyjimm SILVER, Ventura, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
-Leonard Cohen

No more frolicking under the sun
A little less laughter, a little less fun
A little more freedom, but with a cost
All childlike innocence will be lost

Oh, but I will dearly miss
All the happy times that were oh so bliss
Sitting on my grandpa’s knee
Or climbing up the old oak tree
Laughing until I just might cry
Never afraid to ask “Why?”
All of those beautiful, happy times
Ringing out like silver chimes

My time as a kid is finally through
I’m done gazing dreamily at a sky so blue
It’s time to move on and see where life takes me
Because only now can I finally be free

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