Mom Please | Teen Ink

Mom Please

March 3, 2014
By Maggie Delaney BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
Maggie Delaney BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A poem about reading that should be a breeze,
Well Mom, in that case I’d love your help if you please.

Write about princesses, knights, kings and queens,
Mom please I may as well write about some magic beans.

Talk about wizards or spells and witches with warts,
I’ll be the next J.K. Rowling just send me to Hogwarts.

How about love, betrayal, or murder and crimes,
But Mom please that’ll just be a waste of my time.

Maybe horror, mysteries or even a good thriller,
Gee great now they’ll think I’m a serial killer.

All right try the classics: Lord of the Flies or Moby-Dick,
Mom please just give me a boar’s head and a rather long stick.

Space travel, time machines, and a good science fiction,
I feel like you’re trying to give me one major conniption.

Biographies, maybe, about history and war,
Mom, please let’s be real that’ll just be a bore.

Well after all that fuss look at how much you’ve got,
I guess this poem wasn’t quite as hard as I thought.

Wonderful now look here and see that you’re already done,
Yes, but Mom please don’t expect me to write another one.

The author's comments:
My English teacher gave us an assignment to write a poem about reading and this is what I came up with.

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