Youish | Teen Ink


March 9, 2014
By Kaylin01 GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
Kaylin01 GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
17 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
When you can't sleep at night it's because reality is finally better than your dreams- Dr. Suess

You are who you are
You're more than just flesh,
you're a free, wild person
who can't be held by mesh.

Your individuality is something to relish
Share your sparks with the world; don't be selfish
You’re a plate of wonder, no one can ruin your dish.

But if you're feeling blueish
Perhaps unloved, don't fret there are plenty of fish
No fish is perfect, some aren't right, some are goodish
So don't wish a wish you wished you hadn't wished
but instead switch to wishing something worth wishing
But don't even try wishing for more wishes

The author's comments:
This is a very 'Seussical' poem, it uses made up words to show creativity and happiness with who you are.


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