Margot | Teen Ink


November 13, 2008
By CaitlinMeuser BRONZE, Simsbury, Connecticut
CaitlinMeuser BRONZE, Simsbury, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you feel like today's the end of the world, it's already tomorrow in Australia.

I am not a little girl
But still not a full grown woman
I hear constant bickering from scared adults
And silence that is even more threatening
I see the same things that I’ve looked at for two years
The only difference
Is the view outside has become more oppressive
I say things so quietly
That no one ever hears my true feelings
I cry in desperation for lost hope and faith
When no one is listening
I am lonely

I am scared
I want things that used to be taken for granted
I need to breathe fresh air and see the world
Beyond these four walls
I hope in vain
Never knowing if it’s a wasted effort
I fear the same things as the next person
The same two words all Jews have learned to fear
I am hidden in the world

I am silent
I feel sorrow that radiates from all of us
And suffocates us in turn
I try to see the bright side
The silver lining to no avail
I wonder of someday I will look back at this time
And be able to smile
I dream and I hope and I pray
Every night
I am Margot Frank

A look into the mind of Anne Frank’s sister Margot

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