"To Be, To Be Due" | Teen Ink

"To Be, To Be Due"

April 4, 2014
By crystalL96 BRONZE, Liberal, Kansas
crystalL96 BRONZE, Liberal, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The mother was pregnant with her first child
She carried that child for nine months.
She couldn't wait to meet this child like a hot celebrity walked by her.
One day her tummy was feeling hungry
Sbe was craving some sweet
She called her hubby and said "I'm hungry, I want some chocolate!"
He ran as fast as a cheetah looking for some prey
The baby was kicking like no other
The mother was happy when she was she finally got her chocolate and the baby too
The mother and father didn't know what to name there first child
The child grandfather came up with a Vietnamese name and the father like it
On the night of fall of 1996, the mother felt something weird, she couldn't figure out
Soon the stomach was roaring!
She yelled for her hubby to wake up!
He didn't realize it was time for the baby!
Both of the parents was rushing out of the house
He boarded the cars and there's no getting off the train
When the parents finally arrive, she was ready
Hours, after hours, after hours, after hours,
Finally it was time to push that little first child of hers
She push, yell, and scream until she heard a little tiny baby sound, that is crying
She couldn't believe it was her first child
The father and mother look at the baby like a cute pengiun
The father and mother was in so much joy
That little first child of there's was born on September 25, 1996 ona fall night
The whole family came to see there first granddaughther and niece that was the first to born in United State of America.
They still hasn't knowm what to name her.
The grandfather had the Vietnamese.
That's when the father lightbulb went off
He told the mother different type of name.
The mother did not like the names at all
Finally the father told her "Let name her this because her Vietnamese name mean snow." The mother loves it.
She was there first child and the hero of the family.

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