Best Friends | Teen Ink

Best Friends

November 22, 2008
By Anonymous

My friend borrowed something and returned it—
You, on the other hand, kept it.
My friend asked me in a worried tone, ‘what’s wrong?’—
You, on the other hand, hugged me wordlessly.
My friend bit back her laughter when I fell—
You, on the other hand, laughed loudest of all.
My friend lent me a hand to go through the dark—
You, on the other hand, guided me without ever touching my hand.
My friend avoided buying the same things as me—
You, on the other hand, insisted we bought the same shirt.
My friend invited me and asked me if I wanted to come—
You, on the other hand, dragged me there without asking.
My friend gave me a piece of her sandwich when I forgot my lunch—
You, on the other hand, offered me the entire thing, saying you weren’t hungry.
My friend pulled me away when someone taunted me—
You, on the other hand, helped me punch them.
My friend made me swear not to tell anyone her secret—
You, on the other hand, spilled everything without a warning.
My friend helped me stop crying—
You, on the other hand, made me laugh.
My friend gave me a hug at the end of the day when she left—
You, on the other hand, hugged me and never left.
That’s ‘coz you’re my best friend and love me—
And I, on the other hand, love you just as much.

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