Thief | Teen Ink


November 23, 2008
By Anonymous

Here I am once again
Replaying those visions over in my mind
Staring into the mirror, wondering how I managed to escape it all
But I know it’s never really over
Images that haunt me because they want to be released
I can’t suppress them forever…..

To the pain that you caused
To the innocence that you stole from me
To the childhood you ruined

I’m tired of being told to let it out
No one would understand what you did to me
The betrayal, abuse, lies, fear
It was all a part of your plan
Like a thief in the night, you came and took what was once ours
I hope you are happy, you succeeded

To the pain that you caused
To the innocence that you stole from me
To the childhood you ruined

But that was then and this is now
You can’t hurt me anymore
I am strong just like I was then
You think you won, but guess again
I’m successful, beautiful, and blessed
Now it’s time to put those memories to rest

The author's comments:
This piece is dedicated to anyone who has suffered from any type of abuse

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