Endless Roads | Teen Ink

Endless Roads

April 10, 2014
By ECMendoza BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
ECMendoza BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Quit living in the shadows, take chances and do something

Lonely days and lonely nights
It seems to me like darkness is light
Walking alone through the endless roads
Two miles down five to go

I walk alone and look around
Nothing interesting but the sandy ground
Would you like to walk in my shoes?
With no clouds in sight just the skies of blue

I walk and walk through the bright sunset
I’m tired and I know I’ll never get rest
My mouth is dry and my water is done
Walked a couple more miles more than one

I try and try but never give up
To reach my dream it’s a must
I fall to my knees and I try to go
But I’ll get nowhere on these endless roads

The author's comments:
This poem is about those who feel that they are getting nowhere in life. That's because they maybe be on the endless roads.

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