Spoken Lies | Teen Ink

Spoken Lies

April 16, 2014
By AshleighLynne SILVER, Buena Vista, Colorado
AshleighLynne SILVER, Buena Vista, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lock the door because they are coming now.
Forget all the old whispers in your ear.
Hopefully you will remember how.

Remember that time they called you dumb.
That was just last year.
Lock the door because they are coming now.

The voices were like pond scum.
It doesn’t matter how they want you to feel.
Hopefully you will remember how.

Words made it seem like no dream would ever come
When you let them they will make you squeal
Lock the door because they are coming now.

They will make you forever feel numb.
You can’t let the words unreel
Hopefully you will remember how.

They will ring in your ear like a drum,
Don’t listen to the noise, my dear.
Lock the door because they are coming now.
Hopefully you will remember how.

The author's comments:
This is really my first piece of poetry, I have decided to post it because of the influence of my English teacher. English is not my favorite subject by any means but I did enjoy learning to write poems recently.

This poem is specifically to describe the feelings a lot of high school aged females may fee at some point; it aims to tell the targeted people not to give in to the lies they have been told about themselves.

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