Memories Everlasting | Teen Ink

Memories Everlasting

April 7, 2014
By Alexaah SILVER, Whitefish, Montana
Alexaah SILVER, Whitefish, Montana
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments


I would like to thank you

For the memories

You were always there

By my side

Do you remember?

That day I walked into Breanna’s?

And was shocked

To see Savannah laughing hysterically

Watching Nova’s Babysitting Momma?

Do you remember?

When I first came over

And met your little brother?

How I basically tackled him?

And figured out he was ticklish?

And how I pointed out

Just how alike you guys are?

You were amazing.


Until I got to know you

And we thought a lot alike

You were funny and kind

And a great listener

You understood me like nobody else

You were one of a kind

And I miss you so much

I wish you were still here

But since you’re not

Thank you

Thank you for the memories

Memories that will stand the test of time

Memories that are everlasting.

The author's comments:
This is a Thank You poem for my best friend Riley.


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