Arguments: A Slam Poem | Teen Ink

Arguments: A Slam Poem

April 30, 2014
By skyann97 GOLD, Cincinnati, Iowa
skyann97 GOLD, Cincinnati, Iowa
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

So I'm having another argument
and we're both pretty strong winded, and probably offended.
I am just plain sick and tired of your overflowing mouth.
Please just SHUT UP!
Saying please makes it better right?
The words are spewing out of your mouth like a volcanic eruption
The lava is flowing out of your mouth and into my ears.
Sometimes the words are painful, burning my ears and scalding my brain.
Seriously, why are you so vain?
Two thick-headed people butting their thick heads together
as if they were rams throwing down out in a field.
Neither of us yield, we keep on fighting
because you have to have the last word.
Personalities run into each other and become tangled up
in an arena of hatred and lies.
I look into your eyes that I so despise.
Why can't you just let it go?
Walk away and let it be, until you do I can't be free.
Blah blah blah is all I hear, running through my bleeding ears.
This is complete torture, why are we still doing this?
The sound of your voice is enough to make me rear my fist.
I don't know what it is you want from me, let me be
I want to fly free, your words weigh me down
I might as well drown instead of spreading my wings
And letting my heart sing.
Your talking makes my ears ring,
I remain standing there and don't do a thing.
I stand there quietly while you continue to spew
I've had enough of you, I'm just plain through.
I can tell you are beginning to be annoyed
I'm not fighting back, and you have a choice.
You can walk away and forget about this or
I can walk away and clench my fists.
I'm done with your drama, didn't your mama
ever tell you to treat people how you want to be treated?
I'm gonna walk away, this just isn't worth it.
You aren't worth my time, you and your stupid fits.

The author's comments:
This is a slam poem about people who always have to have the last word in an argument.

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