The Great Battle | Teen Ink

The Great Battle

May 2, 2014
By Anonymous

It’s the dawn of a new day.
Oh the sight, how I wish I could stay.
We soldiers are paying attention,
Yet our bodies are filled with immense tension.
Here they come, yes, I’m sure,
Suddenly everything turns to a blur.
Shot are fired, leaving my ears rattled.
I’m running for cover, refusing to battle.
Friends of mine lay wounded to the side.
Will the madness ever subside?
Everywhere on the battlefield there is death.
I think to my self “Is this my last breath?”
My Commander sees me cowering in fear.
Dodging enemy bullets he comes near.
He urges me onward to fight with my team.
It’s happening in slow motion, just like a dream.
Whiffs of gunpowder fill my nose.
I built up my courage and finally rose.
I joined the battle relentless in pace.
My cowardice left me, my death I embraced.
The enemy cries “Retreat! Retreat!”
It is done, it is complete.
The battle is won in an arduous way.
In the end I get to live to see another day.

The author's comments:
I had to publish a piece of writing somewhere for my class so I put it on here.

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