T.V. Remote | Teen Ink

T.V. Remote

May 8, 2014
By Alyssa Raymond BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
Alyssa Raymond BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It seems that the T.V. remote is always lost.
Somewhere nonsensical it has been tossed.
The T.V. is located in the living room,
But the remote is not there, you can always assume,
Often it’s on the floor, in the kitchen, or in the dog’s bed.
“Who didn’t put the remote away?” I ask, my face turning red.
I have to walk to the other side of the room, so far!
Just to change the channel, adjust the volume, and I can’t even access the DVR.
When I sit down, wanting to relax, the remote is nowhere near.
I search in the cushions and under the couch; it’s clearly not here.
Finally, I give up and stare at the blank screen like a zombie.
Even when the T.V. is off it still knows how to possess me.

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