This is What I Remember. | Teen Ink

This is What I Remember.

May 2, 2014
By GracieMay2119 BRONZE, Minford, Ohio
GracieMay2119 BRONZE, Minford, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"We're all sinners, but with Morals.", "Same amusement park, different roller coaster.".

This is what I remember,
the gravel road was longer,
and the day's were hotter.
There was fences on both sides,
and the bottom of the hill was dryer.
The puddle was always there,
and it had critters everywhere.
The grass seemed taller,
and my strides seemed shorter.
The field looked greener,
and the sky looked blue,
just like Mamaw's old house.

This is what I remember,
the dark was dark,
and filled with creatures.
My curiosity kept me walking,
and my bravery made me fearless.
The moon watched over me,
as I made my way back.
The coldness offered me a hand,
and I just laughed.
As I closed onto the house,
I looked to the sky,
in hopes to repeat this again.

The author's comments:
When I was little I'd walk up to my Mamaws, it always seemed to feel like 100. By the time I'd want to leave my brother would have already took the four-wheeler back up to the house, so I walked. I don't remember getting scared that much. Needless to say I repeated this not to long ago, and it reminded me of a better time...

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 6 2015 at 2:12 pm
GracieMay2119 BRONZE, Minford, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"We're all sinners, but with Morals.", "Same amusement park, different roller coaster.".

Please note the last line is, "in hopes to repeat this again sometime." not sure what happened there.