A New Baby SIster | Teen Ink

A New Baby SIster

December 2, 2008
By Anonymous

My grandmother picked up the ringing phone
While my brother and I waited anxiously,
To see if it was my dad.
She hung up the phone,
And Evan and I raced over.
“It’s a girl!” my grandmother told us,
And Evan filled with anger
“I want a brother!” He screamed.
Evan finally agreed
To go to the hospital and see her,
When we got to the car,
He seemed to be feeling happier.
We walked down the long halls,
And made it to the soapy smelling room.
When Evan saw Paige sleeping.
He picked her up and held her,
Suddenly, his sadness turned to joy.
A few years later,
Evan got his baby brother.
But the day Paige was born,
Remains in everyone’s mind.

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