A Special Place | Teen Ink

A Special Place

June 3, 2014
By Teddy.Wegs BRONZE, Glendale, Wisconsin
Teddy.Wegs BRONZE, Glendale, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I drive up the a hill to my special place.

I see the anxious look on my dogs face.

The roads are dark it is night.

Around my place the moon shines bright.

My place is surrounded by lush trees.

I get out of my car and feel a winter breeze.

I put my keys in the lock.

Then I hear a barn owl squawk.

I love this place with all my heart.

I wish we never had to be apart.

I’m tired, from driving this whole day.

Now it’s time to hit the hay.

For now it is time for me to dream.

Just waiting for the first light beam.


My dog wakes me up with his wet nose.

I throw on some morning clothes.

I now cook some scrambled eggs.

Max comes over sits and begs.

I give him food so he can have energy today.

I look through the snowy pines and see a blue jay.

Now it’s time to go dash in the snow.

When I put on my coat my dogs excitement starts to grow.

We are running so fast side by side.

Then I trip and we collide.

We lay in the snow happy as can be.

Its time to head inside we both agree.

I see the happy look on my dog Max’s face.

Man do we love this special place.

The author's comments:
A place one person desires. An escape from the world to really figure out who you are and what you want. True happiness is found here, away from all life's distractions.

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