Mo was once called michael | Teen Ink

Mo was once called michael

June 9, 2014
By amkk33 BRONZE, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
amkk33 BRONZE, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mo was once called Michael
Ode to the courage he shares everyday
To the time he spends dreaming
To the balls he is dribbling
Ode to all the mistakes

Ode to the things he must shake off
To the demons he is forced to fight
To all the nights he is denied sleep
Ode to the boy who wakes up

Ode to the heartache
To the feelings he is not scared to share
To the armor he need not put on
Ode to the boy who has felt it all

Ode to he who has created his name
To the laughs he shares
To the image he has made
Ode to the noble and the brave

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