My beautiful baby boy | Teen Ink

My beautiful baby boy

December 5, 2008
By Anonymous

As I look at you sleeping in my arms I cry knowing that I gave you life I brought you into this world. As you begin to grow you say "I love you".
As you begin to walk, you run around observing your new big world. You reach and touch with curiosity, its hot you cry with pain as I cuddle you tight and say everything is going to be fine baby boy.
At three you get into everything. I walk and run behind you picking up everything you drop.
You cry as you hold your side. I pick you up and try to calm you as I rub your tummy I feel a bump and you scream mommy. I burst into tears as I hold you tight. You have cancer my little prancer.
Im so terrified as I wait for you to wake up. But to my dismay you never do and all I can do is cry and wait and pray as you slowly slip away that God will bring you back to me.
My beautiful baby boy.

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This article has 1 comment.

mbrittany said...
on Dec. 21 2008 at 6:40 am
Brittany again...this was amazing. You are a very talented writer. Very tragic though...