Lab Coat Lovers | Teen Ink

Lab Coat Lovers

December 5, 2008
By Anonymous

Two lovers sat on the edge of their minds
Focusing and unfocusing on the risk at hand
And it was painful to guess if she was the favorite.
But then again, they aren’t really close.
One advantage of the nightmare is being able to speak
Doesn’t he get off the subject one more time?
Because she’s just a distraction for the night
And people like her were not meant to be happy
People with chemical intelligence in lab coats
Discussing the disgusting human race
Raping society’s god
And stalking humanity’s demons.
Attracted to hell’s pheromones
A sinful one night stand
Those two lovers on the edge of something-more
“Do you love me?” She asks
Didn’t think so.

The author's comments:
I recently discovered the music of Phillip Glass, a minimalist composer, and was listening to Foot 5 of Einstein on the Beach as inspiration to write a poem. Near the end, the peice "Two Lovers on a Park Bench" is read over a violin solo, and I LOVED the expression that it held, and decided to write about it.

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