Sadly, My Dearest Mother | Teen Ink

Sadly, My Dearest Mother

December 5, 2008
By Anonymous

Cling clang
the bottles bang
tick tock
goes the clock
twist and coil
the aluminum foil
brighter brighter
shows the lighter
shows her face
with little trace
of who she was
just earlier 'cause
the smoke has risen
she's coke imprisoned
and pot induced
looking for a little boost
all night she's high
the bottle still ain't dry
she tries to defy
the God in the sky
and she tries to deny
she slept with those guys
but we know the truth
this was even her youth
the bottle's bottomless
she doesn't see she's a mess
she doesn't see those she hurt
she just seems to revert
to her old ways
that empty gaze
staring at you
you know it's true
you worry 'bout me
but don't you see?
I REFUSE to be her
die I'd prefer
before I'd touch a drink,
have that nasty stink
I don't understand
why she finds it so grand
to hurt her own kid
by doing what she did
she doesn't seem to care
her expressions are bare
lather, rinse, repeat nightly
I hear the drawer ever so slightly
When will it stop?
passed out, she dropped.
this isn't 'bout me, my aunt, or another
but sadly, my own dear mother

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