The world | Teen Ink

The world

December 7, 2008
By Anonymous

The world is changing,
The world was wrong and dismal
The world has been wronged, twisted, and beaten up.
The earth has been home to humans, insects, reptiles, and animals.
The earth is home to the African American, the Caucasian, the Indian and the Alaskan
The earth is home to me, to you, to my family, my friends, and hearts all over the world.
Whenever you want to go hide and just cast away the world like a used tissue,
Just remember,
Take a minute and remember
The future will always be the same,

A month from now,
And maybe a year from now.
You can hide behind the rock as long as you want,
But don’t seek haven in my shadow,
I will not protect you anymore.
But the next day,
You have to get up,
And go change the world.
With your voice,
You can hear,
You can see
And you can think
The world is our future,
And the world,
Is ours.

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