As Darkness Spreads | Teen Ink

As Darkness Spreads

December 8, 2008
By Anonymous

The fear of rest
Because of a demon
In my sleep
Beyond my Bed
Yet in my head
I hear him creep.

Never knowing who will win
In yet another battle
With my twin.

As I slowly drift off to bed
Silent wonders
Crawl in my head
I fear what's to come
In another nightmare
With myself
As he pulls my leg
Luring me into the dark
I yell for help.

He tells me
No one's coming
As he yanks
A chunk of my hair.
He tells me
I'm worthless
And that's why no one cares.
I fell him
Drifting off me
Slowly fading away.
For some odd reason
Deep down inside me
There is wehre I want to stay.

As I slowly begin to cry
I breathe the fresh air
Of the sky
Now knowing
Why he disappeared
It's because of sunrise.
As I hold my pillow tight
I know when darkness comes
I fight myself another night
Never knowing who won.

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