Night Brings Sorrow | Teen Ink

Night Brings Sorrow

December 18, 2008
By krazykristen521 GOLD, Scottsville, Kentucky
krazykristen521 GOLD, Scottsville, Kentucky
16 articles 0 photos 4 comments

The sunsets,

Bringing an end to today,

The wind whispers softly,

Causing trees to sway,

Goodnight, sweet dreams,

Friends and family depart,

All is well, except for a coldness,

That settles to close to heart,

As you climb into bed,

And the dark night surrounds you,

Its then that you know,

That the lie-isn't true,

During the day,

Sorrow fades some,

But at night,

Full strength sorrow will always come,

The memories of the past,

Keep you awake,

Hating the thoughts,

Your heart begins to break,

Tomorrow you will fake a smile,

And live that lie,

But for now,

Laying in silence-you cry,

The sunrises,

And starts another day,

The tears fade,

And for now…sorrow goes away

The author's comments:
The World is my Inspiration.


This article has 2 comments.

ashley081687 said...
on Jan. 15 2009 at 8:18 pm
Great poem it really good i am proud of you

Samm<3 said...
on Jan. 6 2009 at 5:05 pm
YAY!!! GO KRISTEN! *sings the kristen song* im glad you got published,,,,,so stop being cocky about it.. we know your the greatest person in the world,,,but seriously