Daddies Little Girl | Teen Ink

Daddies Little Girl

December 5, 2008
By Anonymous

who kisses the boo-boos
and makes it feel all better
who picks you up
when you've fallen down
and scraped a knee or two
wiped your tears
and said not to cry
tells you he'll make it all better
smiles to show it's ok
when theres a problem
he's there to the rescue
no matter the time or how far
he'll be there
your his little princess, sugar plum, honey bee, apple pie
your his pride and joy
though he wanted a boy
when you came you lit his world
your daddies little girl

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This article has 1 comment.

mel07 said...
on Jan. 6 2009 at 4:07 am
ok I love this poem. I'm kind of jealous of you though because me and my dad don't have a very good reltionship and I just wrote a poem about how I wished i could be daddy little girl so this one meant a lot to me.