You and I | Teen Ink

You and I

October 16, 2014
By ignoreddaisy SILVER, New City, New York
ignoreddaisy SILVER, New City, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Even if they don't look different, both the sea and the sky change. And so do we."-Makoto Tachibana

Our stars are now aligned.
I thought our ties were forever lost,
but you connected them together,
and changed you and I.

But you connected them together,
the grey world was then filled with color
and changed you and I.
We shared the same fate.

The grey world was then filled with color
and you changed my perspective.
We shared the same fate.
We now view things differently.

And you changed my perspective,
everything became more and more beautiful.
We now view things differently,
I see galaxies in your eyes.

Everything became more and more beautiful,
but you connected them together,
I see galaxies in your eyes,
our stars are now aligned.

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